Baldi Steals Trinity’s Motorcycle! Our New Toys Are Gone!!!
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Baldi Steals Trinity’s Motorcycle! Our New Toys Are Gone!!! Baldi is at it again only this time he was acting a little strange. Instead of hiding all of our toys and making us go scavenger hunt for them, he decided to play a game of hide and seek and we had to go find him to get all of our things back. He took our new mystery jewelry box, Madison’s backpack and even took off on Trinity’s motorcycle.

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Hey guys! Thanks for visiting our YouTube Channel! This channel stars Trinity and her whole YouTube Family with Madison, Dad, Mom, and Preston! This is a fun channel made for the whole family to watch together! We do lots of good exciting videos that are tons of fun for everyone; in real life character scavenger hunts, pranks, family challenges, and more!

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